Home Computer Science

Computer Science

by Koustubh Verma

Computer science is the study of computation, automation, and information. Computer science spans theoretical disciplines (such as algorithms, theory of computation, and information theory) to practical disciplines (including the design and implementation of hardware and software). Computer science is generally considered an area of academic research and distinct from computer programming

CS201 Final Term Quiz


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Created on By ?s=32&r=gTayyaba Bibi

CS201 Final Term Quiz

CS201 Final Term Quiz Dated 29-08-22

1 / 15

The normal source of cin object is,

2 / 15

Which of the following is correct way to initialize a variable x of int type with value 10?

3 / 15

Consider the following code segment. What will be the output of the following program?
int func(int) ;
int num = 10 ;
int main(){
int num ;
num = 5 ;
cout << num ;
cout << func(num) ;
int func(int x){
return num ;

4 / 15

With template function, the compiler automatically detects the passed data and generates a new copy of
function using passed data

5 / 15

What will be the correct syntax to declare two-dimensional array of float data type?

6 / 15

The first parameter of operator function for << operator,

7 / 15

Heap is constantly changing in size.

8 / 15

While calling function, the arguments are assigned to the parameters from

9 / 15

Classes defined inside other classes are called ________ classes

10 / 15

If we define an identifier with the statement #define PI 3.1415926 then during the execution of the program
the value of PI __________.

11 / 15

Every class contains _______________.

12 / 15

A template function must have

13 / 15

Structured Query Language is used for ______________

14 / 15

The precedence of an operator can be changed through operator overloading.

15 / 15

"delete" operator is used to return memory to free store, which is allocated by the "new" operator.

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The average score is 44%


CS101 Final Term Quiz


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Created on By ?s=32&r=gTayyaba Bibi

CS101 Final Term Quiz

CS101 Final Term Quiz Dated 28 -08-22

1 / 12

What is the major problem with flash based website?

2 / 12

One of the key responsibilities of the ___________ is client relationship management.

3 / 12

_____________ team is responsible for the maintenance, expansion , improvement of the infrastructure
consisting of workstations, networking equipment, software and network security

4 / 12

_____________ team consists on the sharpest technical minds in the company.

5 / 12

The weaknesses of the computer are:

6 / 12

______ is the best known builder for supercomputers

7 / 12

Machine language is also called

8 / 12

___ provides a simple, consistent way for applications to interact with the HW without having to know all the
details of the HW

9 / 12

Flow control constructs in JavaScript includes

10 / 12

In a System having many parts to be designed, one should always do the _____ first

11 / 12

One can send an email message to a remote computer using _______ protocol

12 / 12

Which protocol is use to transfer a file over the network ?

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The average score is 40%


CS201 Latest Quiz 3


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CS201 Latest Quiz 3

CS201 Latest Quiz 3 Dated 07-08-22

1 / 13

All A template function must have at least ---------- generic data type

2 / 13

Which of the following statement is best regarding declaration of friend function?

3 / 13

Which one of the following is the declaration of overloaded pre-increment operator implemented as
member function?

4 / 13

Class is a user defined___________.

5 / 13

Which of the following is the correct C++ syntax to allocate space dynamically for an array of 10 int?

6 / 13

A Pointer is a special variable that contain

7 / 13

Reference Value Type Data The code is written to __________ the program.

8 / 13

Operator overloading can be performed through__________________.

9 / 13

When a value is referred by a normal variable then it is known as,

10 / 13

Which of the following function is used to increase the size of already allocated memory chunk?

11 / 13

Which of the following is NOT a preprocessor directive?

12 / 13

The stream objects cin and cout are included in which header file?

13 / 13

Overloaded delete operator function takes the same parameter as an argument returned by new operator

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The average score is 45%


CS101  Latest Quiz 3


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Created on By ?s=32&r=gTayyaba Bibi

CS101 Latest Quiz 3

CS101 Final Term Quiz 01-08-22

1 / 13

In this URL http://www.msn.com , _____identifies the domain name

2 / 13

The first Web browser with a GUI was generally available in:

3 / 13

If a computer could pass the Turing test then it would be able to:

4 / 13

Communication protocol is a __________that governs the flow of information over a network

5 / 13

A tool that helps you to find the synonyms is called ______________.

6 / 13

What will be the value of str ?

7 / 13

__________ give us the ability to manipulate data through reference instead of actual value.

8 / 13

Preliminary exploration of possible solutions, technologies, suppliers is called

9 / 13

Which of the following is NOT a category of Mobile Computers?

10 / 13

Mainframe Computers are also called _____

11 / 13

Human are better than computers at:

12 / 13

Cray-1 was first commercial _________ computer

13 / 13

URL is a/an ________

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The average score is 43%


CS601 Midterm Quiz


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Created on By ?s=32&r=gTayyaba Bibi

CS601 Midterm Quiz

CS601 Midterm Quiz 30-06-22

1 / 12

Quantization means measuring amplitudes of signal at equal intervals.

2 / 12

DC component is also termed as Direct current component or a component with non-zero


3 / 12

In a time-domain plot, the horizontal axis is measure of

4 / 12

A signal that repeats a pattern over a regular interval of time is called


5 / 12

Data link layer deals with mechanical and electrical specifications of transmission medium and


6 / 12

Trailer is only added at.......layer of OSI model


7 / 12

is used to define the direction of the signal flow between the linked devices.

8 / 12

requires the maximum number of I/O ports.

9 / 12

Line configuration refers to the way two or more devices attach to a


10 / 12

Unidirectional traffic movement is overcome by dual ring technology.

11 / 12

"To allow multiple users to share total capacity of a transmission medium"

12 / 12

Effective network mean that the network has fast delivery, timeliness and

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The average score is 36%


CS401 Midterm Quiz


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Created on By ?s=32&r=gTayyaba Bibi

CS401 Midterm Quiz

CS401 Midterm Quiz 30-06-22

1 / 12

When a 16 bit number is divided by an 8 bit number, the quotient will be in

2 / 12

Only instructions allow moving data from memory to memory

3 / 12

When two 16bit numbers are added the answer can be 17 bits long, this extra bit that won’t fit in the target

register is placed in the where it can be used and tested

4 / 12

If D is “35” is shift to left 2 bits the new value

5 / 12

if ax contains decimal -2 and BX contains decimal 2 then after the execution of

instructions: CMP AX, BX ,JA label

6 / 12

Each screen location corresponds to a word, the lower byte of this word contains ____

7 / 12

When an item is pushed on the decrementing stack, the top of the stack is

8 / 12

One screen location corresponds to a

9 / 12

The execution of the instruction “mov word [ES: 0], 0x0741” will print “A” on the screen, color of the

character will be

10 / 12

The iAPX888 architecture consists of _______ register.

11 / 12

The first instruction of “COM” file must be at offset:

12 / 12

The execution of the instruction “mov word [ES : 0], 0x0741” will print character “A” on screen , background

color of the screen will be

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The average score is 53%


CS 304 Midterm Quiz


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Created on By ?s=32&r=gTayyaba Bibi

CS304 Midterm Quiz

CS304 Midterm Quiz 30-06 -22

1 / 12

Which operator can not be overloaded?

2 / 12

Where Rational_number_1 is an object of user defined class Rational_number.

3 / 12

The statement objA=objB; will cause a compiler error if the objects are of different classes.

4 / 12

___________, which means if A declares B as its friend it does NOT mean that A can access private data

of B. It only means that B can access all data of A.

5 / 12

Friend functions are _____________ functions of a class.

6 / 12

_____ remain in memory even when all objects of a class have been destroyed.

7 / 12

A static member function cannot be declared.

8 / 12

this pointers are not accessible for static member functions.

9 / 12

What problem(s) may occur when we copy objects without using deep copy constructor?

10 / 12

Suppose you have been given the following design,

"A person has a name, age, address and sex. You are designing a class to represent a type of person

called a patient. This kind of person may be given a diagnosis, have a spouse and may be alive".

Given that the person class has already been created, what of the following would be appropriate to

include when you design the patient class?

11 / 12

Inheritance is a way to

12 / 12

Which part of an object exhibits its state?

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The average score is 39%


CS 302 Midterm Quiz


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Created on By ?s=32&r=gTayyaba Bibi

CS302 Midterm Quiz

CS302 Midterm Quiz  29 -06_ 22

1 / 13

The Extended ASCII Code (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is a

_____ code

2 / 13

The difference of 111 - 001 equals

3 / 13

A NOR’s gate output is HIGH if

4 / 13

Tri-State Buffer is basically a/an _________ gate.

Tri-State Buffer is basically a/an _________ gate.

5 / 13

The binary value “1010110” is equivalent to decimal __________

6 / 13

2's complement of any binary number can be calculated by

7 / 13

2's complement of any binary number can be calculated by

8 / 13

A.(B.C) = (A.B).C is an expression of __________

9 / 13

The Quad Multiplexer has _____ outputs

10 / 13

GAL is an acronym for ________.

11 / 13

For a 3-to-8 decoder how many 2-to-4 decoders will be required?

12 / 13

The function to be performed by the processor is selected by set of inputs known as


13 / 13

A particular Full Adder has

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The average score is 61%


CS301 Midterm Quiz


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Created on By ?s=32&r=gTayyaba Bibi

CS301 Midterm Quiz

CS301 Midterm Quiz 28-06-22

1 / 14

New items are added at the ________ of the stack.

2 / 14

~BinarySearchTree() is a ________ .

3 / 14

A hash function returns a ________ value.

4 / 14

Which of the following is NOT an open addressing technique to resolve collisions?

5 / 14

Insertion in a linked list can be done at

6 / 14

Every AVL is ___________.

7 / 14

AVL tree is linear data structure.

8 / 14

Searching an element in an AVL tree takes maximum _______ time (where n is number of nodes in AVL tree)

9 / 14

Binary Search Tree voilates the condition of AVL tree when any node has balance equal to

10 / 14

Which of the following is NOT an open addressing technique to resolve collisions?

11 / 14

get(?) method of list class is used to:

12 / 14

The expression
if (! heap ->isEmpty() )

13 / 14

For a perfect binary tree of height 4, What will be the sum of hights of nodes?

14 / 14

In ________, a programmer uses two pointers in the node, i.e. one to point to next node and the other to point to the previous node.

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The average score is 54%


CS001 Latest Quiz For Midterm


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Created on By ?s=32&r=gTayyaba Bibi

CS001 Latest Quiz

CS001 Latest Quiz 23-06-22

1 / 13


Three small lights at the keyboard shows the on/off status for ________.

2 / 13


________ is an example of input device.

3 / 13


________ resides at the bottom of the window.

4 / 13

4. What are the two broad categories of software?

5 / 13


Which of the following is primary storage?

6 / 13

6. Data is saved in form of ________.

7 / 13


The main components of the computer, communicates with each other with the help of ________.

8 / 13


Key used to exit from certain type of applications is called ________.


9 / 13


During writing a letter you typed a wrong character in notepad. How will you go back and remove that character?

10 / 13


Menu bar resides below the ________.

11 / 13

11. Tab key is a ________.

12 / 13


Scroll bars are used to see the ________.

13 / 13

13. To arrange icons on the desktop

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The average score is 55%


CS601 Midterm latest Quiz


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Created on By ?s=32&r=gTayyaba Bibi

CS601 Midterm Latest Quiz

CS601 Midterm Latest Quiz Dated 19-06-22

1 / 12

1. Congestion Control is a feature of ___ layer (s).

2 / 12

2. S-frames in High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC) are only used to

transfer ___ information.

3 / 12

3. . No matter whether the link is dedicated or broadcast, data link control

(DLC) layer provides services between ___

4 / 12

4. ___ is an authentication protocol, which is used by the PPP to

authenticate passwords.