Home Blog 1k Followers on Moj to Get Money

1k Followers on Moj to Get Money

by Usman CB
1k Followers on Moj to Get Money

There are many rumors that one condition is compulsory 1k followers on moj to get money. But many people who want to earn money but they don’t know how and when Moj app pay to there customers. To make you all clear we are going to offer a complete details about Moj as well as how much followers needed in moj to get money.

What is a Moj App?

Moj application is a worldwide brief video creation stage, where everybody gets an opportunity to acquire ubiquity, billions of video sees and immediately become the following web sensation!

Steps Before 1k Followers on Moj to Get Money

Making money is not tough, if you are following all the steps. If you are eager to make money from Moj then follow these steps;

  • Download the Moj application from the Application Store or Google Play
  • Make a record and check your email address
  • Interface your financial balance to the application
  • Finish responsibilities inside the application to procure focuses (you can likewise acquire focuses by watching recordings, taking reviews, and so forth
  • Reclaim your focuses for gift vouchers or money through PayPal

1k Followers on Moj to Get Money

I want to Clear that Your earnings are not dependent on the number of followers or likes you have on your account. There are, however, indirect ways to earn money on the app that are mentioned below. In the event that you’re hoping to bring in some additional cash, you might be contemplating whether there’s a method for getting compensated just for having a huge virtual entertainment following.

  • And keeping in mind that there are organizations out there that will pay you for advancing their items on your web-based entertainment channels, how much cash you can acquire is normally genuinely low. In any case, shouldn’t something be said about Moj, the new online entertainment stage that has been acquiring prevalence of late?
  • Could you at any point truly bring in cash on Moj by just having 1,000 adherents? It just so happens, indeed, you can! Moj has another program called “Moj Stars” which pays clients for accomplishing specific achievements on the stage.
  • What’s more, one of those achievements is arriving at 1,000 devotees. When you arrive at 1,000 devotees on Moj, you’ll consequently turn into a Moj Star and will begin procuring $1 each day.
  • That may not seem like much from the get go, but rather it can rapidly add up – particularly in the event that you have a great deal of dynamic supporters who are consistently captivating with your substance.
  • So in the event that you’re hoping to bring in some income sans work, make certain to pursue Moj and begin pursuing turning into a Moj Star!

Moj Monetization Eligibility

Indian brief video stage Moj has reported its ‘Moj for Makers’ program through which it intends to assist makers with supporting their profit by 2025.

  • The organization is projecting that it will assist makers with acquiring Rs 3,500 crore by 2025 with new monetisable highlights it has begun adding to the stage.
  • Monetizing your content One method for bringing in cash on Moj is by adapting your substance through the application’s “Moj Hotshot” program.
  • To meet all requirements for this program, you really want to have an enormous and drawn in following on the application and make excellent substance that is famous with clients.

How To Make Money With The Moj App?

1k Followers on Moj to Get Money , You might bring in cash by making a brief video on the Moj application. The technique I’m going to portray is the right strategy, and it is the strategy that all video makers on Moj use to bring in cash. On the off chance that you produce a brief video on the Moj application, you can bring in cash in the accompanying ways.


The best technique for bringing in cash utilizing the Moj application is advancement. You might rake in some serious cash just getting the news out about the brand.

The business will move toward you and request that you assist them with promoting their item assuming your video gets many preferences and adherents via web-based entertainment. You may then bring in cash by getting the message out about the brand.


The second-best technique to get cash from the Moj application is through sponsorship. On the off chance that you have numerous adherents or a typical number of supporters, you will be offered different things in the sponsorship, which you will be expected to enlighten your devotees regarding before the item turns into yours.

Partner Advertising

Partner advertising is the third choice to bring in cash through the Moj application, and it is the most worthwhile. You might bring in cash by illuminating others about an item in a video or by tapping on an offshoot connect to buy an item.


In the event that you have numerous adherents on the Moj application, you might utilize the application to support great devotees on them by promoting your other web-based entertainment records like Instagram, YouTube, and other comparative locales.


Ultimately, collaboration is the fifth and last technique for bringing in cash by means of the Moj application. Assuming you have numerous supporters, you can assume on the liability of working together with more modest creators.

At the point when somebody makes a minuscule maker video with you, you take the cash from it and make different recordings with your teammate.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much money can we earn from Moj app?

There is no fixed amount on Moj app but you can earn anywhere from 5k to 30k. This depends on your followers and content reach. 

How many followers on Moj to earn money?

Your earnings are not dependent on the number of followers or likes you have on your account. There are, however, indirect ways to earn money on the app that are mentioned below.

When Moj app give money?

On the off chance that you produce a brief video on the Moj application, you can bring in cash in the accompanying ways.

Moj earning system

There is a complete system for Moj earning in which  Promotion, Sponsorship, Affiliate Marketing , Branding, Collaboration.


In conclusion, gaining 1k followers on Moj to get money can be a great way to earn money and increase your online presence. However, it’s important to remember that building a loyal following takes time and effort. You should create engaging content that resonates with your audience, interact with your followers, and stay consistent with your posting schedule. With dedication and patience, you can turn your passion for creating content into a profitable venture on Moj. So keep creating, keep sharing, and keep building your brand on this exciting platform!

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