Home Education How to Make Free Bloggerspot Website to Earn Money in 2022?

How to Make Free Bloggerspot Website to Earn Money in 2022?

by Koustubh Verma
How to Make Free Bloggerspot Website to Earn Money in 2022?

Still looking for how to make your own website? Do you want to be your own boss? If yes then Great because we are going to offer you best of the best guide. How to make Free Bloggerspot Website to Earn Money in 2022? How to make a free blog? How to earn from blog, these questions arise  in everyone’s mind. If you are also In troubled by this question and you want to know How to make Free Bloggerspot Website to Earn Money in 2022? and how to earn money from it, then this post can be very helpful for you. It is very easy to create a free website on Google.

The best platform to create a free website on Google is Blogger, which is a free service from Google. Here you can create a new website absolutely free and start your earning without any resistances.

Moreover, I talk about blogger website, even today 60% of people are earn money by creating blog on this platform, even I have also make website on blogger.com which you are reading now.

Many people say that after making a site on Blogger, you cannot earn money, but it is not so if I talk about today’s time, then today there are such people whose site is on Blogger.

And today they are earning 1 to 10 lakhs of the month, people who do not know anything about blogger,How to make Free Bloggerspot Website to Earn Money in 2022? And How to earn money from website, then let me tell you blogging related my blog.

In today’s post, I am going to tell in full detail about how to create a free website blog, for which you do not need to spend a single penny. If you want, you can buy a custom domain which costs around 400 to 500.

If you want, you can also create a website for free, but you will have to wait for 6 months to earn money from the website for free. And if you create a blog by buying a domain, then you can earn income from that blog within a month.

You can create a free website within 10 to 15 minutes, I am going to share 2 ways to you, one wordpress and the other blogger, although there are many differences between these two platforms, read this post to know what is different. WordPress vs blogger.

How to Make Free Bloggerspot Website to Earn Money in 2022?

To know how to create a free website on Blogger, follow the steps given below.

• For Blogger, first you go to www.Blogger.Com .

• And then click on Create Your Blog .

• And then log in with your Gmail ID.

• Now you have to click on Continue To Blogger.

• Now the option of your Create New Blog will come, click on it.

Important Things to make Free Bloggerspot Website to Earn Money in 2022


The most important thing that you needed to make your own site is Email that is compulsory.

Title: –

Whatever name of your website you want to keep such as my website name in hindi helps me, in this way you write the name of your website.

Address : –

In this you have to write the URL of your website, as my website URL is Conceptsbuilder.com , add only the name you want to put in it, suppose you want to make a URL with your name, then write your name (Attention Stay here blogspot.com will be associated with your domain name)

Now you will be asked to select a theme. You can keep the one you like out of these, if you want, you can apply it later too. (After filling all the three things, click on Create Blog. The URL you put in the address will be the address of your website for example “uaappliances..Blogspot.Com”

Google Website to Earn Money in 2022

How to make a free website on blogger, you have learned above, now let’s talk about how to create a free blog on wordpress. Its also step is very easy, we have already written a post about it on wordpress.

You can create free website very easily by visiting this link but if you have chosen free blog to earn money then you are blogger. Go together will be best for you. Because wordpress is a paid platform and blogger google’s free platform and if you have some money then you can buy a domain and go with blogger as i did.

If you have any more questions than this or want to ask us something, then you can tell in the comment box.

How to make Free Bloggerspot Website only 12 minutes to Earn Money in 2022?

In this article, I will teach you ways to earn money with blogger in 12 minutes. I know how frustrating it can be when looking for ways to earn money from your blog. That is the reason I have put together, these tips to guide you on this process.

Earning money from blogging is not a get-rich-quick ordeal, neither is it the easiest way to make money; the great thing about it is that just about anyone can be a blogger.

The first thing to take note of is the fact that your earnings depend on so many factors like your niche, your dedication to your blog, traffic, consistency, digital advertising techniques and so on.

Finding a niche, staying patient and dedicated enough to build traffic and following pretty much sums it up.

There are various options to choose from when thinking of how to monetize or earn money from your blog. It all depends on your level of blogging and the kind of blog that you run.

How to start a free blog on blogspot platform?

Start a free blog on bloggerspot.

Creating a blog using Blogger.com is really easy. I’ll give you few easy instructions and follow them accordingly.

Step 1: Sign up for Blogger.com

First of all, go to Blogger.com home page and sign up.

Quick note: Create a GMail account if you don’t have it yet.

Once you are logged into your Google account, you will now see “New Blog” button on the left side. Click on it to create a new blog on Blogger.

Step 2: Enter a name for your blog

Type in any title that you want to name your blog in the Title box. And just enter any short domain address, if it’s already taken, you will see a yellow box. Make sure to come up with a unique name and select a template from the options provided in the same box. You can choose many more templates and customize your blog later.

Blog name

And that’s it! You have successfully create a blog on blogspot in under 2 minutes. Congrats. Now we’ll walk through the next steps.

Step 3: Start creating new blog posts

Click the button “Create New Post”  on the left side to create a new blog post. Enter any title and start writing content that you want.

Step 4: Google AdSense!

Once you are started getting decent amount of visitors from search engines to your blogspot blogs, you can apply for AdSense to start making money. Don’t apply for AdSense unless and until you are bringing at least 300-400 unique visitors every single day. Otherwise, it’s really hard to getting your account approved.

Quick note: You can anytime change your blog template by clicking on the button “Template” at the left side on your blogspot dashboard.

What to do after creating your blog on blogspot?

Start creating SEO friendly content

If you want to generate more income from AdSense using your blogspot blog, you have to bring more visitors from search engines. The more search engine traffic you get the more clicks you will be able to generate and the more income you will make from AdSense.

How blogpost works?

A blog is a type of website where the content is presented in reverse chronological order (newer content appear first). Blog content is often referred to as entries or “blog posts”. Blogs are typically run by an individual or a small group of people to present information in a conversational style.

How To Make Money Blogging?

These are the 7 steps to follow to make money blogging.

  1. Setup your own self-hosted blog
  2. Start publishing great content
  3. Build organic traffic to your website
  4. Build a community around your brand
  5. Start making money by selling ads
  6. Make money by selling your own products or services
  7. Makey money through affiliate marketing

5 ways to earn with blogging websites

1. Affiliate Marketing

2. Webinars

3. Pay-Per-Click Advertising

4. Banner Ads

5. Freebies

We will Later talk about Google AdSence that How you can earn money from AdSence in an easy way by making your own website.

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