Home Vu Notes Virtual University Vu001 Introduction e-learning Complete Guide

Virtual University Vu001 Introduction e-learning Complete Guide

by Koustubh Verma
Virtual University V001 e-learning

From the past few years, we have seen that the term e-learning played a key role in technology. This term has been compulsory for further success in personal as well as professional life. That’s why Virtual University started e-learning course for their students to entail it’s importance and further ease in the later life. Today we are going to enlist all basic things that will be discuss in the Virtual University Vu001 Introduction to e-learning.

Most Important Points Discuss in Virtual University Vu001 e-learning Program

Now, we are going to enlist our whole discussion into four separate factors or you can say five stages of getting e-learning concepts.

First Stage

In this stage, we entail that what is e-learning,  e-learning at Virtual University, Evolution of e-learning and it’s advantages overview to get concepts of Vu001 introduction to e-learning easily.

Second Stage

This stage will only discuss about the essential types of learning that we will focus and consider compulsory for e-learning.

Third Stage

According to the modern world, what are the technology used in online courses. Moreover, what are the positive Factors that we can use to create a better learning environment.

Fourth Stage Consider As Final Stage

At this stage, we will look for all e-learning points. Where these points and steps we can put and get benefits in later life. In simple words, what are the applications of e-learning?

What is e-learning?

In the present time, e-learning is in simple words is considere as electronic learning. When learning is based on the computer and it facilitates everyone to learn, anything at anytime.

The easiest way of getting distance education is only possible via e-learning.

What is e-learning at Virtual University Course Vu001?

As we have discussed about the basic concept of e-learning it was teaching via technology is electronic learning at virtual university. But one different learning system or tool is develope at VU. This system is called as Learning Management System and it’s short form is LMS.

This system is consider as a tool to offer best content and each and every best thing to learner at accurate time.

History of e-learning

Without any deep discussion, I want to tell you e-learning pet word come in existence in 1999. No doubt, internet and online learning method has a ancient Era. It’s past and evidence that shows e-learning is from 19th century.

But How?

Remember that, Isaac Pitman first started this method of learning but he was not able to highlight this word. But it’s famous that he told and send assignments to their children via mail process. This was the form of electronic learning.

But it’s main existence appears in 1960, when first training program showed to the world. This well known program is called PLATO-Programmed.

Later in the end of 20th and start of 21st Century, different companies, organizations and even Educational systems use e-learning method to teach their subordinates or trainees.

Why We Need e-learning for VU?

Why e-learning is important for Vu or any other university? We are just taking virtual university as a key educational institution that has e-learning system.

But we can also get benefits of this type if learning at any other university or school.

Advantages of e-learning

There are many advantages of this online latest learning but some important points are discuss below to show it’s importance.

Save Time And Money

In today’s busy world, two most important things play vital role in everybody’s life.  These are time and money. That’s why e-learning program enhanced and entailed to people, you can save your precious time via this Online learning.

Best of Source of Retention

The previous experiments shows that best content in an interactive way is better to retain in memory. So, online institute use best content at learning Management System to teach students. It helps Learner to get education in an easy and unique way.

Less Chances Of Mistakes

We know that no body is perfect and while face to face communication or learning, there are many chances of mistakes. But virtual and online learning helps us to get standardize training to get education in a best way.

Cost Friendly

It’s very common that there is a huge expenses of educational learning via schools or university. But online learning is a means of education that helps to save books, handouts and many other additional fee. While electronic learning helps you to save these expenses easily.


According to my perception, flexibility in any learning system play a role of backbone. Because, if you have many options and flexibility in the learning system then everything is in your hands. There is a no strict environment to follow for the online study.

Build Self Discipline And Responsibility

There is no restrictions but every student or Learner know that there is a no way to get education other than own self. You must have to get classes, lectures online by your own self, it builds self discipline as well as increase responsibility factors in you.

Traditional Learning And Online Leaning

A great controversial phrase found in these words. Because most of the people are in favour of regular or traditional Learning while others prefer the virtual or online learning. If we look at the given Modern world then one of the most important thing that comes in our mind in Online learning.

That’s why in the 21st century, if you want to travel faster and touches to the sky. Moreover want to be a successful person than Online learning is important to do this.

LMS Learning Types

As we talked about the LMS learning management system that is use for the online learning. It’s important for you people to know about it’s types. Some important types of LMS are below;

  1. Installed LMS
  2. Web Based LMS
  3. Open LMS
  4. Closed LMS

Learning Management System at Virtual University

According to the Virtual University Vu001 Introduction to e-learning, we have reached at the point, Virtual University is using Web Based LMS. Because it is a system of learning that is totally based via browser. And it is possible real time. That’s why we can say that VU is using this system of learning.

Technologies Used For e-learning

What are the Important Factors For e-learning in Vu001?

E-learning is not possible, if you are not able to focus on it’s Important factors. Then you can not learn via e-learning. Now, question arises that what are these factors for e-learning in Vu001.

  1. Means of Communication
  2. A Well defined Schedule
  3. Structure of a Specific Class
  4. Most important is technology

When you have to learn or teach the electronic learning then remember these key factors to get distance learning via online learning tool. Some other factors that comes in these sections are Database, CMS Content management system technologies to learn more.

These technologies used to get the better advancement in the learning system. That’s why we are focusing again and again at this point.

Positive Factors to Create a Better Environment By e-learning

Some important elements, I will discuss for you through which Virtual University or any other virtual institute can better the learning environment. These are some factors;

  • Assignments
  • Quizzes
  • Grand Discussion Board
  • Grand Quizzes
  • Activities
  • Projects
  • Unique Tests
  • Grading and Feedback at all these

These are such factors which bind students and teachers in such a excellent way. Some of these factors helps students to get better learning via this online learning system.

Best Application of e-learning by Vu001

As virtual university Vu001 Introduction to e-learning discussed that there are a lot of best applications of e-learning in today’s modern world. But some important ones are below;

Online Courses

Online courses in today’s world is only possible via e-learning. Because people want to get education online, they want to get education, experience and certificates via online courses. That’s why Virtual learning is important for this purpose.

Customers Training

As we have seen that Pandemic has changed the whole picture of the world. So, a huge competition in the different companies compel them to teach their employees via e-learning to train in an efficient way. This is happening to get the raise in the competitive world.

Educational System

Above all discussion was about e-learning for the Virtual University that’s why you have completely understood it. It’s importance is In front of you people according to the education point of view.


No doubt, there is a complete course of Virtual University Vu001 Introduction to e-learning. . But we discussed a complete summary of this course. We discussed this because you people attain better idea from this discussion to get benefit in the later life. Keep these points in mind and understand the importance of online learning in your life and in modern world.

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